First of all give your files.txr a csv format with excel for instance.
1.1) Watch please for how excel interprets the decimals. English versions are represented by dots menawhile the spanish version of excel does with commas (your file use points). My recomendation is to open your file with a plain file editor like notepad ++ if you use windows and then edit the
decimals to commas if you excel version is the spaniard one in order to avoid miss interpretations.
1.2) after this just open the files with excel and save them as comma separated csv as shown in the figure below

Next, open the differential expression file where you want to integrate the ensembl annotations with worksheet.

Next, go to the addressed path file -> import -> Combine worksheet in the worsheet menu when open the differential expression file as shown in the figure below.

Next configure the interface for combining integration as follows

Finally you will find your new file with the extension xxx_combined.csv
In the chosen output folder and with the two columns integrated as follows.